Tuesday, 20 January 2015


We are up again early when it is lovely and cool.  We caught the metro down to the city centre again and walked to the central market.  It is a typical Victorian wrought iron structure that we have seen in many places, but full of fish stalls and restaurants.  Bit a smelly first thing in the morning, and we declined the many offers of a fish breakfast !

After that we walked across the river to the real market, where the locals bought their stuff, much more like it. Tatty, crowded and really interesting. Full of wonderful fruit and vegetables.  We bought a huge bunch of the sweetest black grapes ever for 50p. Kept us going for days.  Everywhere here you see industrious people selling things on blankets on the floor.  Home made finger puppets, leather belts to dresses.

We had coffee on the upstairs food area and watched the scene for about an hour.

Santiago originally had four railway stations, with only one still working.  We went across to have a look at one that has been turned into a cultural space.  Although it was closed, a tourist person opened up and let look around. Fabulous place, it would be great to hear a concert here.

The people here are very open and friendly, and like to try out their English on.  Puts us to shame, although we have had some comical exchanges with vendors, including hand gestures, but we always get there.

We walked back along the river to the Bella vista area, and then caught the metro back to Providencia.

It hit 38 today, so after a day padding around the streets we came back to cool off.

I haven't mentioned the jazz festival that has been on the whole time we have been here.  Five minutes walk to the river and in the park opposite.  Every night after dinner we would walk down and spend and hour or so listening to the music.  The first night we went down intending to pay to go in, to find that you could sit on the riverbank opposite and watch.  Anywhere else they would have turned the stage around so outsiders couldn't.  I think this says a lot about Chilians.  Most of the people were students, all with picnics.  A great was had.

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