Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Buenos Aires 6

Plaza Mayo has a permanent tent demonstration about the Falklands War, but mainly because the soldiers that died were never recognised by the democratic government, therefore the families do not get any war pensions.

We started to call the Falklands the Voldemort Islands, and although we didn't start any conversation about it, we soon learned that the majority of intelligent people realise that the only people who are really concerned about the Islands, are the government who use it as a foil when they want to deflect the countries problems away from themselves, or the military who have to have a reason to be.

One person told us they the Junta sent 17 year olds boys down to fight, with inadequate weapons, but more awfully they sent boys from the hot north of the country to fight is sub zero temperatures.  They were expendable.

Onto a different subject.  The Argentinian are obsessed with shopping, and we wandered back through what looked like Oxford Street, but three times the size.  Rod of course went glazed after 30 seconds, and I wasn't that interested, so we wandered through and out the other end.

They have large cafes over here, where you go in, queue up for your empanadas or whatever and find a seat. They very much look like american diners.

After a long rent we went back into San Telmo, down to the market and Dorego Square where we found another old cafe and watched tango in the square.

More street sculptures

Tonight we found a special restaurant, doesn't look much from the outside, but we later found out it was famous for its steak and meat.  I had an enormous steak, and finished every mouthful... wonderful.

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